Jai Rodriguez Asks: “Is It ‘Cuffing Season'” Even Though It’s Warm?

Jai Rodriguez poses on the red carpet of Lily Tomlin’s film, ‘Movin’ On’. (Photo Credit: Jai Rodriguez Official Twitter Account)

Jai Rodriguez sure knows how to create a thirst trap.  In his latest tweet from his Twitter account, Rodriguez asks, “Is it ‘cuffing season’ if it’s starting to get warm out?” Below the tweet is a picture of the actor wearing nothing but his glasses and a pair of bikini underwear that leaves little to the imagination. According to the Urban Dictionary, cuffing season is defined as:

The cold season when everyone’s coupling up, so you settle for a new boyfriend/ girlfriend way below your standards.



As to why Rodriguez is asking this, we don’t know, and it really doesn’t matter. Many of us would gladly cuff up with Rodriguez if given the chance as proven from the many that commented on the tweet:



While others focused on the photo:




One gentleman answered with a Beyoncé reference;



A month earlier Rodriguez posed another question:

Aside from the typical and warranted thirsty responses, Speedo USA chimed in with its answer:


Would you couple up with Jai Rodriguez if he asked you? Let us know in the comments or on our social media accounts.

Sources: Jai Rodriguez Official Twitter Account, Urban Dictionary

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