Oprah Gives Anti-LGBT Pastor John Gray OWN Show.

"The Book of John Gray" premiered this Saturday (April 15) on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).   There's nothing wrong with the inclusion of people of faith on reality tv, but it appears that Pastor John Gray doesn't have the best track record on being inclusive of gay people.


Pastor John Gray tweeted: "homosexuality is no different from fornication, adultery, lying or any other sin God was clear about. It's all the same-4those who believe."

He also tweeted that he was less than thrilled by the mass marrying of gay people on The Grammys in 2014.


John Gray, an associate teaching pastor at Lakewood Church, felt the performance was a dishonour, tweeting that “adding clear church imagery is wrong.” Bryan Fischer, a director of issue analysis at the American Family Association, felt the wedding ceremonies were “sodomy-based.” – news.nationalpost.com

John Gray said that he would stop shopping at Target when they stopped labeling gender specific toys –


When Michael Sam came out and he was lauded as heroic and others praised him saying, "As Michael Sam embarked on his journey he had support and advice from pioneers and allies before him. Wade Davis,…" the Pastor tweeted:


On the day that Obama said that Same-Sex Marriage should be legal …


In a message from one of our readers, Jason writes "I wonder if Oprah is aware of the dangerous things that her newest reality star has said about the LGBTQ community?"

Here's one of the preview videos for "The Book of John Gray." Not that there is a correlation to any of the above, but the preview does share at around 1:40 that Gray appears to talk about being molested at a younger age.

In other OWN programming, the show's lead-in is "IYANLA FIX MY LIFE." An OWN press release states that host Iyanla is doing an episode on the survivors of the Pulse massacre this season:

In an emotional season finale, Iyanla brings together six survivors of the Pulse nightclub tragedy, the deadliest mass shooting in American history. Each have been suffering in distinctly different ways since surviving the shooting. With no "fix," Iyanla will explore this painful memory so that each person can hopefully heal and begin to move forward, so that we can all learn from this tragedy. – thefutoncritic.com


We wonder what will be on "The Book of John Gray" that night.

What do you think Instincters?

Do you feel that John Gray's beliefs are his own and are okay to share on his show?

Will his hate, excuse me, anti-LGBT religious beliefs be show on OWN or will they hit the edit room floor?


Should it matter if they make the broadcast or not? The fact that he has them and has a show to promote himself is wrong?

h/t: Jason Winters,  thefutoncritic.comnews.nationalpost.com

11 thoughts on “Oprah Gives Anti-LGBT Pastor John Gray OWN Show.”

  1. I have welcomed peop!e of the

    I have welcomed peop!e of the LGBT community into my home, and I am a Christian.  These were children whose parents put them out when they decided to reveal their choice of sexuality.  Their grown now, but they're still a part of my life and my family. They call me mom and my grown children call them their siblings.  Mind you, they said their parents are Christians but could not accept their choice.  From my understanding, as a Christian, I am to love my neighbor as myself. We are to love one another as Christ loves us. Do I feel it's wrong according to the Bible and my beliefs ? Yes, but who am I to judge. I've been told by my " adopted" children  they're glad they got to see a different type of Christian and one who loves them. They know I don't agree but they're still going to be loved by me.  Just because someone doesn't agree with the lifestyle doesn't mean they're haters.  WE ALL SIN AND FALL SHORT.   The Bible talks about all of our sins.  Sin is sin in God's eyes. No one sin is greater than the other. So please stop people with all the name calling and judging.   If you are a hater and a Christian, consult with God.  We don't know their stories, journeys nor what could have caused them to make these decisions.  WE JUST DON'T KNOW. Who knows how God is going to use us in each other's life, and my prayer has been "God let them see the love of Christ in me, use me for Your Glory".   STOP ALL THE HATE AND JUDGING, PLEASE. 1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply because love covers of very a multitude of sin (NIV) 

  2. Chruch! Preach! Well said.

    Chruch! Preach! Well said. EVERYONE has the right to pursue happiness wherever they find it. We need to be careful not to impose our beliefs onto anyone else whether gay, straight, christian, atheist, etc. Intolerance is one of the greatest sin of all, I for one, choose love.

      • Ironic, coming from the only

        Ironic, coming from the only person on this site using disrespectful language. I could be wrong, but don't your words covey your intolerance? It appears that you are "Anti-anyone with opposing views to yours." I can tell that maybe you have had bad experiences with so called "Christians" in the past. I can admit that people throw this term around a lot without really exemplifying what it is supposed to mean. I don't believe anyone is truly a Christian when they fail to demonstrate love to others. I don't know you, but I love you, because God told me to. I don't want to offend you and I will do all that I can to show you respect as a human being. I hope that one day you have a chance to meet real Christians who truly personify their title. 

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  4. If Oprah is using her

    If Oprah is using her platform to promote, spread, or give credibility to any kind of hate, I've lost faith in her as a person and as a businesswoman. 

  5. I’ve watched Oprah since the

    I've watched Oprah since the 80's and loved her shows, specials & movies.  But is she has this type of person on OWN I won't be watching anymore or abide anything connected with Oprah.

      • If you have the right to

        If you have the right to display your ignorance and intolerance for people that you don't agree with, surely pastors have a right to declare what they believe. Especially if they are not dishonoring anyone like you have chosen to do with the word "bitch" here. I am a christian and I have the right to believe that homosexuality is a sin because the bible says so. I don't however, have the right to disrespect you simply because you have chosen a particular lifestyle. I will still use kind words and treat you like a human being. Why do you feel like its ok to call people names? How are you any better than the people you accuse of hate. Your hate simply takes a different form. I feel sorry for you and I pray that you become enlightened sometime soon. Very soon!

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