Thousands Join Oslo Pride March Post-Shooting

Image via Twitter @ehamberg

In these troubling and scary times, there’s one thing for sure when it comes to LGBTQ people. You cannot stop our Pride.

By now, you’ve probably heard about the shooting that took place in Oslo, Norway. If not, feel free to read up about it through Instinct’s news coverage of the tragic event. But here’s a quick rundown for the sake of this article. In the early hours of June 25, London Pub, one of the biggest gay clubs of Norway, was attacked by a terrorist with gun. While Oslo police apprehended the attacker within ten minutes, 2 victims were murdered and 22 were wounded.


Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store described the shooting through an online statement as a “brutal attack on innocent people.”

“We do not know what was behind this terrible act,” he added, “but to queer people who are now afraid and in mourning, we are all with you… We share in the heartbreak. Together we stand. The entire Norwegian community was hit by the gunshots last night. Together we will continue the fight for the right to love who you want and to be who you are. And together we will stand for democracy and freedom of speech and fight back against the forces that try to divide us with extremism and violence.”


In response to the attack, Oslo Pride cancelled a parade scheduled for later that day.

“We urge all of Norway to show solidarity and mark Pride at home, in their neighbourhoods,” said Pride leader Inger Kristin Haugsevje in a Facebook statement.


As a show of respect for the fallen and wounded, numerous Pride flags and flowers were left outside the London Pub. Even PM Store, Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, and crown princess Haako paid their respects.

By the afternoon, thousands gathered to silently march along Rosenkrantz to the pub. While this was now an unofficial Pride march, it served much of same purpose. Then as the march went on, respects transitioned into vengeful celebration. That includes hearing Lady Gaga blasting from speakers.

“Seeing people crying, cheering and being courageous to go to the streets is the most beautiful thing I witnessed,” tweeted one marcher.

Despite the fear and the horror that took place in Oslo, it’s LGBTQ citizens and allies joined together under the common message, “You cannot silence us.” And what a beautiful sight it was.






Source: Reuters, Pink News,  

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