Paris Hilton Gets Real – Reality Star Turned Empire Maker Shows Her Real Self In ‘This Is Paris’

The heiress is about to reveal herself; Paris Hilton is set to release her new documentary (aptly titled This Is Paris) and one of the biggest revelations is that the Paris Hilton that America has fallen in love with, the one with the “That’s Hot” catchphrase and effortlessly effervescent persona, is….a character she has been playing all along. As the documentary progresses, the “character” seemingly rinses away, revealing a entrepreneur, DJ, and a businesswoman who has become a virtual maven at almost any she has set her sights on. Hilton simply says “Everything I’ve ever done before was more of me just playing that character again,” Hilton said in her teaser (below). “But with this I really just wanted to pull the curtain back and show my real life and talk about things that were very hard to talk about and things that I’ve experienced in life that I’ve never talked about before.”

Originally intended to be released as part of the Spotlight Documentary category at the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival, but the festival was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.The film now will premiere September 14th on Hilton’s YouTube channel. 


The documentary (directed by Alexandra Dean) also includes interviews with Hilton’s mother, Kathy Hilton, and her sister Nicky Hilton Rothschild. One scene in the documentary that is getting a great deal of interest is Hilton speaking of “something happened in my childhood that I’ve never talked about with anyone” with Hilton Rothschild talking about an incident where she recalled “someone screaming bloody murder”. Very plainly, Hilton says “the the only thing that the only thing that saved her sanity was thinking about who she wanted to become.”

Hilton says retrospectively, but also with a tinge of looking forward “I’ve created this brand, this persona this character..and I’ve been stuck with her ever since”…

“This Is Paris” premieres Sep. 14 on Hilton’s YouTube Channel.

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