Schick Commercial Humorously Goes After the Hairs Down There

Does your man need some help trimming those hairs downstairs?  Is it out of control? 


Schick feels it has the product that can help.  The company's new Hydro Groomer has many uses, but apparently it's very helpful with pubic hair trimming and removal.  

You may have had one of those hook ups where you agreed with the girl that said, "I went into the forest and couldn’t see any tree."  Or maybe your boyfriend finally trimmed down there and you could concur with the statement, "I definitely feel he added two more inches to the place."  Have you looked down there and felt like "the plumbing had sideburns?"

It seems that to trim or not to trim has been a debatable topic in the gay community, with some being very adamant, being almost anti twink or anti metro-sexual at times.  I've seen some anti-trimmers' wish lists on hook up / dating apps proclaim that they only want real men, untrimmed men, and yes, even the phrase uncut bush has been read.  I am sure they won't be buying this product for their significant others this holiday season. I guess I am in the middle when it comes to beating around and down the bush.  The hairless wonders with no follicles front or back kind of scare me and make me want to check their IDs and I also don't want to find a sasquatch under all those clothes.


Take a look at the commercial below and see what you think. 

And are you anti-trimming?  How about the boys?


6 thoughts on “Schick Commercial Humorously Goes After the Hairs Down There”

  1. I find it amusing that body

    I find it amusing that body hair (specifically, pubic hair) is a determining factor in whether or not someone will date someone else. I've been with guys that shave, that trim, and those who don't do anything. It's up to them. It's their bodies. I'm dating the person. Not the pubes. It's sad that so many people are so shallow. 

    • Oh, and even if a man is

      Oh, and even if a man is clean shaven, if you can't tell the difference between an adult penis and a child's penis then you have bigger problems.

  2. Given that my ideal man would

    Given that my ideal man would bear a striking resemblance to King Kong, I would not be purchasing this for anyone.

  3. Advertisement
  4. my man knows he better not

    my man knows he better not trim his pubes, grounds for divorce. I'm married to a man not a new born.



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