Sean Spicer Resigns, Sorry Melissa McCarthy.

It's been a great year for Saturday Night Live and its political skits, namely Alec Baldwin as Trump and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.  With Baldwin saying he will not return as Trump in the fall, it looks like Melissa is out of a job, too.




White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned on Friday, sources tell NBC News.

The sudden departure comes as Donald Trump transition team official Anthony Scaramucci was slated to be announced as White House communications director.


Spicer often found himself answering tough questions from reporters on Trump campaign officials' conversations with Moscow and the president's tweets on a wide range of topics.

A White House official said Scaramucci's appointment is expected to be announced later today.

We shall see if Scarramucci will make it to SNL.  All I can think of is Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

It is intersting that the focus is on Scarramucci when he is not the one replacing Spicer, but Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be the new Press Secretary.

Aidy Bryant, there yah go!

h/t: NBCnews

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