Singer Accuses Familiar Face Of Sexual Assault


Image via Instagram

Ricky Garcia Claims Hollywood Executives Have Been Abusing Him As Early As Twelve Years Old


The trend of executives in Hollywood abusing their clients continues to grow at a rapid rate. Now, Ricky Garcia, a member of the boy band Forever In Your Mind, made up of a trio of former X Factor contestants, is accusing multiple entertainment heavyweights of sexually assaulting him when he was just as young as twelve years old.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Garcia was “passed around” to various executives after Joby Harte, his former manager, repeatedly sexually assaulted him. One of the men he was passed to includes Tyler Grasham, who had been previously accused of rape by actor Blaise Godbe back in 2017, and producer Nils Larsen. Garcia tells he was anxious of coming forward with his accusations as he may be black balled from the entertainment industry. He did tell an assistant of Harte’s, but the situation was seemingly swept under the rug.


A potential fallout doesn’t seem likely for young Garcia. He currently has almost a million followers on his Instagram alone and has developed a devoted fan base who are going to stand by his side throughout trial. He took to Instagram to state his nervousness for speaking up, but also encourages victims to speak their truth. Check out his post below:

We’ll be watching this story.

H/T: The Hollywood Reporter

Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributors and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

1 thought on “Singer Accuses Familiar Face Of Sexual Assault”

  1. Ricky Garcia was twelve, he’s still young and any sexual assaults are well within the statutes of limitations. Criminal charges should come first, then civil lawsuits. The reason so many get away with these crimes is they can’t be prosecuted. This situation can be. If we don’t have criminal charges first, it looks like he’s more interested in money rather than justice and in the long run that hurts victims


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