“Smash” Musical Bombshell to Play Broadway for One-Night-Only Benefit

My roommate and I were big fans of the short-lived NBC show Smash.  To hear that they are going to do a one-night-only show on Broadway is music to my ears. Now, I just need to get to NYC and buy a ticket.  Wonder twins activate!  Tickets are not on sale yet for the June 15, 2015 performance.


 We were saddened to see the show disappear from the NBC roster.  It was pretty good acting with an okay story line, some catchy new songs and had Angelica Houston.  Anything with Angelica Houston is a must see.  Will she return to Broadway in June?  Will she need to?  Will it just be the Bombshell musical or will it incorporate some of the Smash show.  For more information, head on over to Playbill and read the full article by Adam Hetrick  I'd recommend friending them on facebook for more updates.

P.s. A friend told me there were a possible 3 episodes on Netlu or Huflix that did not air on NBC that take place after the show's cancellation.  I need to do some more research!  To tide you over until June, here's "Let Me Be Your Star," one of the great songs introduced to us through the show. 


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