The View Fuels Stunt Theory After False Positive Results

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Image via YouTube | “The View” Co-Hosts Address False Positive COVID-19 Test Results | The View

Sunny Hostin Emotionally Explains The Damage Done After The View’s False Positive Test Results

Last Friday, headlines hit like a tornado when Emmy awarding winning daytime talk show, The View, announced on live television that two of their co-hosts, Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro, had tested positive for COVID-19. The two women were arguably more shocked than viewers as they were rushed off the stage by production. What made the situation even more curious is this happened moments before the co-hosts were set to interview Vice President Kamala Harris for an hour-long sit down and the first live interview on daytime television after she became the official taking charge of the ongoing United States border crisis.  Eyebrows were raised – and they still are. As the days progressed, Hostin and Navarro took to social media to let fans and haters alike know that they both received a false positive test and have continued to test negative – along with those closest to them.


Today’s show opened up with Joy Behar leading the charge to discuss their recent on-air disaster. First, Behar asks Executive Producer Brian Teta to give production’s explanation of mishandling the situation. He tells that they found out moments before they got on the air, claiming that they had to keep negative-tested Behar and Sara Haines safe, but more importantly, the Vice President who they couldn’t have come out on the stage “no matter what”. He shakily apologized but proclaimed that no one was ever in any source of danger. Hostin then got a chance to share her side of the story, and while text alone doesn’t invoke her true emotions – you’ll be able to check out the video below – let’s break down a bit of what she said.

Hostin began speaking about the outpour of love she received from her family, friends, and viewers who wished her a speedy recovery. However, almost instantly, she talks of how uncomfortable the entire circumstance made her. Her speech is pointed and bold, almost as if she reverted back into being a prosecutor and is eyeing a huge under-the-table bonus from ABC for the emotional harm caused. She tells:

“It was really uncomfortable for my results to be released publicly. Before I even knew what was going on. Before they were verified. Before I was tested again and again. There are real life ramifications when things like that happen. My husband is a surgeon and he had to be pulled out of the operating room. Because God forbid he’s operating on someone and he’s Covid-positive. My child’s school had to be notified, and she had to be pulled out. My parents had to rush to be tested. My son was notified at school. For me, [this] was particularly triggering because not too long ago I delivered the eulogy at my in-laws funeral. You can imagine how I felt thinking I could possibly be Covid-positive and my family could experience another loss. Another loss I don’t think my husband could handle. I was relieved to say the least when I found out I was negative. I always was assured that I am fully vaccinated, so even if I were positive, I was convinced I would likely be okay. And if this type of thing would happen to me, Ana is the best person to have with me. While I got a lot of love and support, some of the hatred that I got online…some of the folks who somehow got my phone number…and said some things to me… when you meet your maker, you’ll have to figure that out with them. My husband wanted me to say that he was tested when he was pulled out of surgery and he of course, is also negative, as is my family.”

Navarro chimed in, almost speaking gleefully without the distain that came from Hostin’s tone. She noted that Donald Trump JR tweeted about their false positive results while calling for obesity and Coronavirus to be investigated together – AKA fat shaming her. Navarro took most of her time to instead hurl insults at the Trump family, including former President Donald Trump, a completely different take from Hostin’s emotional monologue. Haines popped in claiming that she had an on-air anxiety attack. She stated that for a week long, Secret Service was in the building in preparation for the Vice President’s arrival and there were so many people monitoring the halls that she had to ask to go to the bathroom. She felt backstage it was chaos, as they didn’t receive any updates but were instead told to continue the show.


Before getting back to business as usual, Navarro applauds the Vice President’s team for their handling of the situation and wants her to come back to the hot topics table. Hostin, with her hands folded, cheekily requests Harris to revisit because Hostin has questions she wants to ask her. Let us not forget that conspiracy theories were arise on the internet Friday afternoon guessing the Vice President didn’t want to answer any hardball questions from Hostin and Navarro who, despite being a champion for her, wanted to clear matters with the ongoing border crisis. After the false positive results, some people online are sticking to their beliefs this was a stunt.



Don’t forget to watch Hostin’s traumatizing tale of the public false positive result below:

Writer’s Note A: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

1 thought on “The View Fuels Stunt Theory After False Positive Results”

  1. I agree that this was done in extreamly poor taste. We should have never known about what happened. This was a blatant HIPPA violation. Giving medical Information about someone publicly was wrong. There could have been a much better way to explain, like they were not in the interview. Anything. Now these ladies who I assume are vaccinated are now in a PTSD situation were they are going to doubt the testing they will go through, the worry of the stigma that the public has made on them. The worry about their family and how others will perceive them as well. Let’s stop the horrors and make sure that thing are taken care of in a personal manner. Be cognizant of what others perceive please were are already on pins and needles over this pandemic.


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