Tituss Burgess Drops Anti-Trump Single “45”

Screenshot via YouTube @Tituss Burgess

“Oh 45, a real nose dive for American lives… He’s dumb as bricks.”

After he finished up Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and got off the Pride Flight, Tituss Burgess has dropped a new politically-charged single and music video. Burgess’s debut EP Saint Tituss is set to release on July 26. Before that release, the Broadway singer, and song feature Daniel J. Watts, has released an anti-Trump single titled “45.”


As you would suspect, the song bears no expense in throwing shade and ridicule at the 45th U.S. President.  Some of the lyrics go:

“Oh 45, a real nose dive for American lives/ Because he’s not really sure/ I’m so transfixed/ He’s dumb as bricks.”

And as Burgess told Billboard, his full intention was to take a swipe at the man in the white house.

“Our country is in a crisis. This man in power has put much of the US under a sleeping spell that is slowly transforming into apathy from the rest of us. This song is a call to wake up and realize that this state we’re in can be changed and must be changed, as we the people are the hope and future of America.”

If you want to watch the music video, you can find it down below.

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