Congratulations!: Lily Tomlin Marries Longtime Partner Jane Wagner

styles large public images blog posts Christopher Jones 2014 01 06 lily tomlin

Congratulations are in order for Lily Tomlin and Jane Wagner!


Tomlin, the 74-year-old comic genius best known for her diverse roles on television, film and stage tied the knot New Year's Eve with longtime love and accomplished writer, Jane Wagner after 42 years together.

It appears the news first broke as a sidenote in a piece about Bob Fosse written for by friend of the couple, Liz Smith:

"It was an eventful New Year's Eve … my longtime friends, Lily Tomlin and her love, the writer Jane Wagner, got married on the eve of 2014. … My wish is that their happiness will be as great as their combined talents."

styles large public images blog posts Christopher Jones 2014 01 06 rs 560x415 130819204728 .081913 copy

Image Source. (h/t:


62 thoughts on “Congratulations!: Lily Tomlin Marries Longtime Partner Jane Wagner”

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  2. We are so blessed by these

    We are so blessed by these women. May they continue to bless one another. Their intelligence, talent and drive keep them at the top of their profession at a time when most have long since "retired". Two old broads with great talent and a lifetime of kudos. Wow. No wonder Ms. Wagner chose that as a great expressive vehicle. It absolutely encompasses their joint achievement. Lily Tomlin for me will forever seem ageless. What I think is funny is that she's forced some of her characters into retirement. It's like the planets in elliptical orbit. Lilly and Jane grow better with time but, alas, the characters must be phased out and the new brought on bored. One day in 30 years Lilly will be telling a joke with Jane there and poof. She'll be gone. But until then we'll laugh and they'll continue to be wonderful.

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  4. Many blessings Lily and Jane.

    Many blessings Lily and Jane…may your wishes and dreams always pave the road on your beautiful journey together! With love and blessings!

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  6. Hey, Lily. I have your

    Hey, Lily. I have your autograph. Stage door at University of Colorado, Boulder, 1976. We talked about you being in The Confederacy of Dunces, if the movie ever got made.

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  8. Marie: How’s the cake, Lud?

    Marie: How's the cake, Lud?

    Lud: Oh like always I guess. 

    Marie:  Couldn't be like always. I never got that kind of cake before…


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  10. Hey, Hater, I loved the
    Hey, Hater, I loved the Incredible Shrinking Woman!

    Congrats to you both! Much happiness and wonderful companionship!

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  12. Congratulations jane & lily,

    Congratulations jane & lily, been married  in calf several times but officially 2006! 33+ years together and a 7 year old son




  13. Ah, this news is certainly a

    Ah, this news is certainly a day-brightener! Congratulations Lily and Jane! My own sweet lady and I have been together 30 years, next December and both of us love your humor and work!

    And  never forget… when the naysayers try to rain on your parade… you don't got to do NUTHIN if you don't want to! PFFFFT!



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  15. Congratulations, Ernestine

    Congratulations, Ernestine (Three Ringie-Dingies!)

    Old Vito never had a chance, poor guy.

    Best of luck and love to you both. (Now I'm going to see if my public library has any of Ms Wagner,s work.)

  16. you have made us laugh, you

    you have made us laugh, you have made us cry…now you have made us proud.

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  18. Vito Russo is busting his

    Vito Russo is busting his buttons from on high! Thank you both for being the examples you are, Jane and Lily!!!


    • If you don’t agree then stay

      If you don't agree then stay off of gay websites @Saddened………..God's Kingdom isn't a Country Club where ONLY a select group are allowed. Instead he (GOD) Loves ALL of his children………..

      • I like this statement David-

        I like this statement David–people who disagree and in some cases spout hateful stuff should stay off websites that clearly are meant for people who care about friends or relatives who are gay or are gay themselves. These people want to incite and spew their poison without even taking the time to listen to the story of those involved in these beautiful committed relationships. My cousin recently revealed to the world that he is gay-he is a professional basketball player and I could not have been prouder of him for having the courage to share the truth. Our family has and will always stand by him, with him and if necessary fight to defend him against hate and ugliness that prevails because people choose not to love as God has asked us to love–UNCONDITIONALLY. SO like David said, if you don't agree and chose to remain closed minded, then stay off such websites. My thoughts and prayers are always with my gay brothers and sisters. Remain true to who God has made you to be!!!!!


    • Hey Saddened, I have been

      Hey Saddened, I have been laying with my man for over 48 years.  My God has been very good to me, and I am sure that He will welcome me to His kingdom with open arms.

    • Saddened… sadden me

      Saddened… sadden me with your statement as it is a judging statement.  Remember judging is not for MAN to do.  "Judge not lest you be judged' or how about this one, he who is without sin cast the first stone." Who wrote the bible but man.  Who decided what was to be in the bible?  Man…  I do know this, our creator wanted EVERYONE to love one another and treat all with kindness and acceptance.

    • and, i might add… we are

      and, i might add… we are already IN God's kingdom, both in life and in death. we ALL ARE also God's children. we are all one, both positive, what we like, and negative, what we don't like. All one. All God. 

    • Check the Greek bible. I assume, since you are apparently quoting the bible, that you read both Hebrew and Greek.

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  20. Congratulations Lily and Jane

    Congratulations Lily and Jane!  I was lucky enough to meet you, Lily, about 22 years ago.  You were in town doing your one-woman show at the College of St. Catherine.  You came to the wine store where I was an assistant manager, looking for a good bottle or two.  I enjoyed talking wine with you and helping you find something Jane would like too.  I hope you both celebrated with a good bottle.  I wish you many more happy years together!

  21. My brother took me to see you

    My brother took me to see you at Cobo Hall in Detroit in the early 70's.  We were able to make it into the outside backstage door.  (I made him try to sneak in with me)  There were about 5 of us.  You came out into the room and as you hugged someone you put your Doral cigarette out on the floor.  I scooped it up between your feet and I had that cigaretter framed for years!  I wish I still had it.

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  23. You both are all so inspiring
    You both are all so inspiring! I’m a single gay mom and a huge fan of Lily:). My 10 year old daughter is also a big fan. In fact, she loves making people laugh like Lily! God bless you both!!

  24. Congratulations!!!!  I am

    Congratulations!!!!  I am known as "Lily" at work even though this is not my name.  I have been told this for years…….What a compliment!!!!!


  25. Well, ladies, it’s about time

    Well, ladies, it's about time you made honest women of each other!

    Congratulations and only the best wishes for a long(er) and happy life together… you should, ay the very least, have the basics down by now!


    (And,,, inquiring minds need to know… One ringy dingy, or two?)

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  27. Wonderful! Congratulations

    Wonderful! Congratulations and Best Wishes for a continued long and loving life together. Thank you  ladies for your inspiration on how two can love and respect each other for so long. You definitely deserve this celebration!

  28. Congratulations! I met both

    Congratulations! I met both of you the week of an SNL taping some 30 years ago. Lily you did a skit with Julia Louis Dreyfus playing Edith Ann and she was your playmate — both in huge rocking chairs. It was a sketch that I will always remember. Mostly I was left with admiration for how gracious and respectful you were to everyone. It does not surprise me that you are still happily together….


  29. Would like to congratulate

    Would like to congratulate you on your marriage.  We did the same after 42 years together.  We married in L.A. Oct. 5th because all the legal garbage was over in CA and we knew the marriage would stand after the demise of DOMA.  We, too, are in our 70's and, like you, Ms. Tomlin, I am from Detroit, MI.

    So happy for you and, if you're like me, you probably didn't thiink it would happen in our lifetime!

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  31. Happy news! If their

    Happy news! If their relationship can survive bombs like "Moment by Moment" & "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" (written by Ms. Wagner) they can survive anything and be together forever!

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  33. Congratulations Ladies.  I

    Congratulations Ladies.  I wish you both the very best and hopefully people throughout the enitire United States will be able to do the same.  Cheers.

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    • Congratulations! Thanks you

      Congratulations! Thanks you for inspiring me and others with your intelligence, wit, and morality. J. Colleen Breen  (Lily- I gave you a home made cheesecake when you did Signs …

      in St. Paul, Mn. You wrote me a note of thanks.  


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