Another Grindr Date Leads To Death

Image via Grindr

A New York Hook Up Gone Wrong: Bronx Man Is Fatally Hacked By His Online Date

Has everyone forgotten about what our guardians told us in the ‘90s when AOL chatrooms surfaced!? Don’t meet strangers from the internet! Yeah… well we kind of did with good measure. Now, we call said strangers to pick us up in their vehicles for a ride to work or to deliver us food, so things have certainly changed. What is still a big paranoia factor is meeting strangers off the internet for dates or hook ups. While it may be important for you to share your location with a trusted person in your life, some of us tend to live our private, sexual lives behind closed doors and wake up the next to head into work. Most of us are guilty of this, and that’s okay. However, we still have to be aware that sometimes you’ll cross a brutally reckless person with ill intentions. Unfortunately, this New York man’s life suffered from meeting a maniac offline.


According to New York Daily News, fifty-year-old Bronx resident, Juan Alonso, is being charged with murder after meeting his latest date from the popular mobile, hookup app Grindr. Alonso hosted the unidentified gentleman at his own apartment – and his roommate, who had been out of town, came in to see Alonso slaughtering his date with a machete.

Alonso is claiming self defense – he was preventing his date from sexually assaulting him. According to Alonso’s superintendent, he was a good man. Alonso frequently used Grindr for dates and his roommate allegedly doesn’t know him well despite them living together. The defendant is currently undergoing psychiatric evaluation.

For now, let’s all realize that we are still currently in the middle of a pandemic. While states like Florida begin to lift all COVID-19 restrictions, perhaps we should still be restricting ourselves and staying off dating apps until we can return back to our regular habits without guilt. It’s fun to meet people offline and hookups are a huge part of the gay culture, but we need to be cautious with who we continue to connect with over the internet and our mobile devices.

Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

H/T: New York Daily News

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