Chelsea Handler Quits Netflix Talk Show For Politics

Chelsea Handler has graced our screens for years. When she left "Chelsea Lately", she ended up on Netflix. Now, her weekly talk show will be coming to an end.


Chelsea announced on Twitter that she will not being doing the show in 2018, as she wants to become more involved in politics. 

She started off her Twitter post by saying, "“Like so many across the country, the past presidential election and the countless events that have unfolded since have galvanized me. From the national level down to the grassroots, it’s clear our decisions at the ballot box next year will mark a defining moment for our nation.”


Handler plans to travel the country and engage with those who are different than her in all areas of life. Her goal is to become more knowledgeable and engaged, along with electing more women to office and getting more people involved. It will be teh basis of a documentary for Netflix.

New episodes of her show will stream weekly until the end of 2017.

While I personally will be sad to see the end of "Chelsea" I applaud Hander's efforts to go out and make a difference in the political arena.

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