Corey Feldman Finally Names Names

Image via YouTube | Corey Feldman’s New Documentary

In His Effort To Expose Hollywood’s Pedophile Ring, Corey Feldman Premiered His Documentary And Called Them Out

Trigger Warnings galore because this story is about to get raw, emotional, and extremely exclusive.
This is my first hand account of attending the premiere of The Rape of Two Coreys in Hollywood with Corey Feldman.


I’ve been an avid advocate against child sex abuse and sex abuse in general – but in particular, Hollywood, since the beginning of my time with Instinct Magazine. I’ve written many posts on the topic, from the disgraced Bohemain Rhapsody Director, Bryan Singer, known for his alleged inappropriate behavior with teenage boysKevin Spacey outing himself after being accused by Anthony Rapp of sexual assault, the entire Harvey Weinstein horrors, and Tyler Grasham having numerous accusations against him. During all of those allegations coming to the surface, teenage icon Corey Feldman was trying to out Hollywood’s pedophiles and an alleged “pedophile ring” despite being silenced by Barbara Walters. He was determined to make a self-funded documentary about his experiences with Hollywood pedophiles and finally he did. He promised to name names and let us know the true tea and he delivered. Due to my previous work of publicly advocating for sex abuse survivors and victims, I was personally invited to attend Feldman’s premiere of The Rape of Two Coreys where he would discuss his predators and share the tragic story of his late friend, Corey Haim, another teenage heartthrob from the ‘80s. Yesterday, on March 9th 2020, he released his documentary to be live streamed for all to view.

Photo by Mickey Keating

It took me about a week to get final confirmation and clearance to get into the premiere. As Feldman told my idol Wendy Williams last week, he comes equipped with heavy security and the event was absolutely on high alert the entire time. Feldman has openly spoke of the threats made against his life. During his event, everyone seemed to be a little on edge as we entered the Director’s Guild of America in Hollywood. There wasn’t much time to mingle at all before the event, but I was on a mission to speak to one person in particular from the guest list we were given. Among Feldman and his family, there were some other celebrity sightings such as Jamie Kennedy, Trish Paytas, Fred Durst AKA Limp Bizkit, Patricia Richardson (the mom from Home Improvement), Dave Navarro, Shane West – and Jonathan Lipnicki. Yes, the adorable little boy from Stuart Little and Jerry Maguire. I thought to myself – oh my God, Lipnicki is in the documentary?! I wasn’t prepared for him to announce he’d been a victim, and thankfully, he wasn’t. But I did get to speak directly with the now adorable adult who I totally admired as a kid. Lipnicki wasn’t there as a victim or survivor, but a supporter for those who have been affected by heinous acts of Hollywood elite and to support his great friend, Brian Herzlinger, who directed the documentary. Lipnicki told me:

“I’ve heard rumors of [the inappropriate behavior of adult men and young children in Hollywood], but I never heard names. I was really lucky to have an involved mom who was always with me. I was always shielded from the disgusting nature of Hollywood. If I didn’t have my parents around me, I can see where things could’ve gone wrong. It’s a crazy world out there.”

Mickey Keating & Jonathan Lipnicki

The crowd of about 150 people rushed in and were seated instantly as the film was set to stream live at 8 PM PST. Next to me sat Feldman’s son, Zen Feldman, and behind me was Ricky Garcia, one of the accusers who participated in the documentary who has made allegations against the aforementioned Grasham and others. Like lightening, Feldman and Herzlinger were on stage and gave their thanks to the audience. In the era of #metoo, Feldman wants to brand “Kids2” – a word seen on shirts many in attendance were wearing. He talked of the importance of the film and the need to protect children in the entertainment industry and worldwide. Finally it was time to start the film and hear the names Feldman has been hiding for so long.

So, we’re twenty minutes into the film and then there is an immediate pause and the lights come on. Through text messages with my boss who was watching live from home, I learned that the streaming service stopped. It had been hacked. In a moment where I thought we were going to face the grim reaper, someone yelled out “We’re being attacked!” – but it got lost in translation, I believe from “We’re being hacked!” Feldman jumped to the stage and announced that the streaming service had been hacked, likely by a group seeking to do damage to him which he refers to as “The Wolf Pack.” Feldman called for a bathroom break as they needed time to figure out what to do. Would they send us all home or continue on? The audience roared as we all obviously came to see the movie. Feldman was sincerely sympathetic to the people watching from home who purchased tickets to see the film, but with the encouragement of Rosanna Arquette, he pressed play and the small audience I was a part of were the only people who saw the film in its entirety.

In the documentary, Feldman first shares the story of his best friend Corey Haim. As “The Two Coreys”, they essentially took over the world and proceeded to become sex icons while they were still teenagers, which is obviously strange to type, let alone say out loud. Feldman accuses Haim’s mother, Judy Haim, of being the ringleader of “The Wolf Pack” and shared emails and messages from her trying to sabotage his image to the public in order to make him appear crazy and in turn protecting her from looking like an awful mother who seemingly allowed her son to allegedly get raped for years for fame and fortune.


Feldman described the first time he ever hung out with Haim. It was an immediate friendship. During their first encounter, Haim striped naked and asked Feldman if he wanted to fool around. Feldman, confused, proclaimed he wasn’t gay and Haim agreed – he wasn’t either – but it’s just “what all the boys do.” At this point, Haim had been allegedly molested, raped, and also had given consent, to having sex with older men who were mostly behind the scenes in Hollywood, but especially the late Dominick Brascia, who Feldman claims Haim had a bizarre on-again-off-again relationship with. Feldman promised heavy hitters and the next one was a doozy. Feldman and many others in the documentary claim that Haim told all of them Charlie Sheen raped him in broad daylight using Crisco as lube while they filmed the 1986 movie, Lucas. This claim has been denied previously by Sheen, but each person interviewed attests it to be true.

Continuing on, Feldman accuses Alphy Hoffman, of grooming both him and Haim. Hoffman pretended to be the son of Happy Days and Bad News Bears casting director, Bobby Hoffman, but in fact they were actually gay lovers with a large difference in age. Allegedly, Alphy would invite young boys to sleepovers and they would engage in sexual activity. Not long later, Feldman would allegedly be molested for years by his older assistant, Jon Grissom, someone hired by his father who would eventually move into the apartment building next to theirs. Finally fed up after a drug binge with Grissom, Feldman chased him out of an apartment after he woke up to receiving fellatio. He was a teenager. Feldman also names former director and convicted pedophile, Marty Weiss, as another abuser.


The final scene showed Feldman visiting Haim’s grave while writing a letter to him that he finally told their truth; a promise they once made to one another as they grieved over their pain of being sex toys for Hollywood. Feldman shared that he isn’t going to sit and out more Hollywood Executives, despite him probably knowing who they are, but hopes that since he shared his truth that others will as well. He encouraged anyone who has faced sexual abuse in Hollywood to come forward to wipe out the pedophiles once and for all. Sadly, two of the people interviewed during the documentary lost their battles to alcoholism after filming wrapped. It was a lingering, somber moment.

After the film concluded, applause was obviously much needed. What was supposed to be a Q&A afterwards ended up turning into a screaming match in the audience. A very “woke” looking individual stood up and dared to say, I’m kind of paraphrasing: “We should have compassion for the abusers because it’s very likely they were also touched as a child.” Randomly, another audience member stood up and seemingly agreed with the “woke” female. Child USA’s Chief Executive Officer, Marci Hamilton, stood up and proclaimed that most children who were abused don’t go on to become abusers themselves. Another woman yelled out to the “woke” individuals that no one else agrees with them and to stop taking Feldman’s time for their own agenda. It led to disarray and Feldman ended the Q&A and told everyone to join him at Rainbow Bar & Grill in West Hollywood for pizza and drinks. My exhausted mind couldn’t take anymore of the evening.

Overall, watching the documentary was an heavy and emotional experience. Feldman left no room for doubt. I’ve always believed him and I will stand with him. I was expecting something a little more explosive, along the lines of the Singer-slated pedophile documentary, An Open Secret, which was mentioned in The Rape of Two Coreys. The accusations in the documentary already existed and are easily found in a quick Google search, but they had been shoved down into the depths so many times that it was incredibly important to hear them again among people willing to listen. I’m not certain where you can watch the documentary anymore, but if you’re able to get your eyes on it – you’ve got to check it out.



According to Entertainment Weekly, Charlie Sheen is denying the rape allegation. Sheen states: “These sick, twisted and outlandish allegations never occurred. Period.” 

After first exclusively showing on The Wendy Williams Show and airing on Tuesday, March 10th 2020, this is a video from my viewpoint moments after the stream crashed yesterday and Feldman rushed to the stage trying to figure out what to do. Check out that clip below.


Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

H/T: Page Six

H/T: Entertainment Weekly

5 thoughts on “Corey Feldman Finally Names Names”

  1. Charlie Sheen may deny it all, but he obviously hasn’t seen Punky Brewster s new film/ documentary where she clearly says he raped her ; then behaved as if he did her a favor

  2. Mike Reagan adopted son of Pres Reagan was raped by sick demented freak homo.
    Only solution is to put them in the electric chair. There is no cure for pedophilia

  3. Advertisement
  4. “As Feldman told my idol Wendy Williams last week”

    and I lost all interest in anything else as soon as I read this sentence. Supporting this homophobe and all around terrible person only speaks volumes about you. Sorry, not interested.

    • Uh, sorry but bio women did not fight for rights so men pretending to be women can have even more power. Men are not entitled to anything for or by women. Period.


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