How Does Pope Francis Feel Parents Should Respond to Their Gay Children?

Pope Francis has been one of the most progressive Popes since—well—ever. With regard to the LGBTQ community, Pope Francis has been vocal about the church’s forgiveness and tolerance.


This weekend the Pope was on his way back to Rome from Ireland and he was asked by a journalist on what parents should do if they observe gay traits in their children. According to France 24, the Pope responded with the following:

I would say first of all pray, not to condemn, to dialogue, to understand, to give space to the son or the daughter.

When it [homosexuality] shows itself from childhood, there is a lot that can be done through psychiatry, to see how things are. It is something else if it shows itself after 20 years.

In addition, Pope Francis suggested that that a parent who ignores their child’s homosexual tendencies is “lack of fatherhood or motherhood” and that “this child has the right to a family. And the family not throwing him out.”




Later the Pope’s response was published by the Vatican, but the portion about psychiatry had been excluded.


A spokesperson for the Vatican shared:

When the Pope referred to 'psychiatry', it is clear that he was doing it to highlight an example of 'things that can be done'. But with that word he didn't mean to say that it (homosexuality) was a 'mental illness'

h/t: France 24

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