‘I Know My Limits – I Have Big Teeth And A Small Mouth’

Michael Henry (screen capture)

We love funnyman Michael Henry for his zany takes on the constantly shifting gay zeitgeist.

Henry’s latest NSFW-ish YouTube video asks the age-old question – “Does size really matter?” – and comes up with some surprising considerations.


In the clip, Henry and pals are hanging in the park consoling their friend who broke up after a lengthy (six weeks!) romance.

It turns out there was “one small, tiny problem.” 

And you know exactly what’s coming…

As his friend recoil over the idea of small peen, Henry steps up to declare he’s he’s definitely a fan.


“I love ’em,” says Henry. “Much more than the large ones. I want to slop those slippery twigs right up.”

(screen capture)

As his park pals dream of “massive man meat” and “shattered pelvic floors,” Henry explains via his own reality.

“I know my limits – I have big teeth and a small mouth,” says the funnyman. “And excuuuuuse me for having a gag reflex! People are supposed to know when they’re choking.” 


When one friend points out that the anus is a muscle…? “I don’t feel like putting it to the test.”

But, but, but…Big D!

Nope, Mr. Henry is not interested.

Of course, it’s worth noting that “small” and “big” can be relative to the person using the term.


When actual numbers enter the discussion, clarity sets in.

It’s an eternal discussion, but let us know if you agree with Michael Henry in the comments section.

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