It’s Swimming Pool Season – But Some Of Those Pool Rules!?!



What are some of the funniest pool rules you've seen out there? 

There's always the "OOL RULES – There's no P in our pool, let's keep it that way. 

Another one of my favorites is …



I thought I had seen all the possible pool rules out there but this one from Iceland takes the cake.

Iceland's favourite communal spot is the swimming pool but pool rules have baffled tourists throughout the years. Here's one rule from Sundhöllin, a pool that's also an architectural gem at the heart of Reykjavik: Don't dry your scrotum with the communal hairdryer in the swiing pool. 

This bizarre notice has now made the pages of Britain's Daily Mail.  Readers should note that the Sundhöllin pool didn't actually have this drawing next to the notice, but the accompanying picture was drawn by photographer and journalist Haraldur Jónasson for newspaper Fréttatíminn a couple of years ago. 

Ultimately, the most important rule of any Icelandic swimming pool is that everyone is required to shower without a bathing suit in the communal showers before getting into the pool. The reason is obvious: good hygiene. 

We're not sure whether there's an epidemic of men drying their balls with hairdryers in other swimming pools in Reykjavik but just in case, we really don't recommend it. (It also looks a bit dangerous).  –



Have you seen some comical pool rules? 


I am sure there have been some at some of those gay pools / resorts.

Here's another list of great ones. Click on Image for larger view.



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