Joel Kim Booster on the Possibility of a ‘Fire Island’ Sequel

Joel Kim Booster wrote and starred in the iconic LGBTQ+ rom-com ‘Fire Island’, and he recently talked about the reason why there’s no sequel to the 2022 film.


In an interview with Attitude, the 36-year-old actor and comedian revealed:

“After the movie came out, Searchlight and Hulu were interested.”

However, he reportedly didn’t have any immediate ideas for a sequel. 

“If I had come out of the movie with a great idea for how this story would continue, that would be one thing, but I’m not going to force a story. Think about successful comedy rom-com sequels — there aren’t a lot. I didn’t want to make Legally Blonde 2. People think they want a sequel, and then they’ll be confronted with something that will sully the memory of the first one and at best be forgotten about,” Booster explained.


Moreover, he also reflected on the impact of ‘Fire Island’ on representation and inclusivity, stating:

“I don’t know that it changed the landscape [of representation]. It means a lot to the people that it means a lot to. I always appreciate hearing from those people. It will always be a huge part of the conversation around me and my legacy, or whatever.”

“Fire Island came out at a time of a movement of not only representation on screen, but behind it as well. I made a very Asian-focused movie because I’m Asian, and that’s the story that I wanted to tell, populated by people who could connect to that story. The real lesson to take away is that the representation behind the camera matters just as much if not more than on camera,” Booster further expressed.


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