Michael Henry On How Differently Queer Couples Handle Pandemic Sex Lives

L-R Kevin McDonald, Michael Henry (screen captures)

Funny wise guy Michael Henry offers this take on how differently queer couples are handling their sex lives during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Taking a walk through the gayborhood with boyfriend Steve (played by woofy Kevin McDonald), the duo encounter oh-so-in-love Shiah and Gina. 


The properly ‘ social-distanced’ conversation quickly reveals differences in the way the couples are handling sexual tensions.

While the boys are “hanging in there eating a lot of jelly beans and pizza” and catching up on their binge-watching, it seems the girls don’t watch TV choosing instead to “connect with each other one on one” and baking bread.

Henry shifts directly to sex complaining that his boo won’t bonk him: “We’ve been together for five years, living together for three and all I get is one handjob a week.”

Shiah and Gina, however, announce they have sex three times a day, taking turns focusing on each other.


As the ladies share their homebound bliss, Henry complains that even with an open relationship he doesn’t get to see what Steve does on Chat Roulette.

“I. Need. Privacy!” says Steve.


Truly a tale of two divergent romantic lives during isolation.


By the way, in case you notice the physical proximity of the women, Henry shares as an FYI: 

“Gina and Shiah are actual lovers that live together, which why they’re physically close together. Kevin and I are not lovers and don’t live together which is why we kept our distance. Xoxo. Thank you for watching and I hope you’re able to have a laugh! Please stay safe and sound friends!”

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