“I don’t think there’s a more honest relationship between a gay dude and a straight dude, because there’s just nothing to gain,” Davidson jokes. “It’s just pure honesty.”
In the trailer for his new standup premiering on Netflix, Pete Davidson: Alive From New York, the SNL cast member talks about his friendships with gay men. Davidson further elaborates about gay men who play flirt with women.
Davidson says, “You just get to slap that (woman’s) ass on a technicality. That’s not fucking fair at all.”
Davidson’s joke has come under criticism on Twitter with some claiming it is a 1980s attitude towards gay men.
I thought these jokes were really funny when I first heard Eddie Murphy do them in 1983. I was 11.
— Ed McNamara (@EdMackSHI) February 12, 2020
While some were disgusted with Davidson’s joke:
Others claim straight men secretly want to be with a gay guy:
Yet there are straight women who agree with Davidson:
Recently, Davidson did a Chad sketch on Saturday Night Live with RuPaul. In the sketch, RuPaul was grooming Chad to be the future queen of drag.
Davidson also did a makeover video with Queer Eye’s Tan France.
What do you think of Davidson’s comment?
The hungometer!
I can only speak for myself, but I don’t find anything Pete said in the trailer mean-spirited, homophobic or the like. And here’s the good news for the closed-minded people, you don’t have to watch it.
Why the tattoos? 😞 He’s a cute guy but shirtless it’s like looking at a Picasso on crack. I think he’s got a big D though. I can feel it. 😆