Porn Star Bruno Bernal Uses The ‘N’ Word on Social Media

Gay porn star Bruno Bernal is under attack for his blatant usage of the "N" word on social media.


This all started a couple of days ago where he used the defamatory word on an Instagram story. Str8UpGayPorn has the receipts from it, where he said "Worse thing in life! Barbers that don't f**k shut up talking with this n***a accent."

It didn't take too long for some of his followers to call him out on the usage of said word, where one blatantly DM'd him and said "Youre a f***ing ignorant racist c**t." His response? "ENOUGH! If you don't have balls to show your face and your opinions like I do then bye."

It didn't stop there as people kept coming at him for using the word. "911. Report to the police then. If you don't know the context of it f**k off! I didn't ask your opinion," he also said. "Unfollow + block."

It got worse from there on his next Instagram story where he tried to explain himself.


"My first boy friend (SP) was black, after that I had another black ex boyfriend, then I had sex with few black guys and my current boyfriend is black. If I was racist I don't think it would be happening so frequently. I like black culture and I don't discriminate anyone by their race but if you are f***ing ghetto and don't even use properly a normal vocabulary because you think is cool talk like a black ghetto person that just came out of prison what you want me to say? WHATEVER don't like! Unfollow + block." 

Str8UpGayPorn also included video of Bruno in the barber chair where it all went down at the bottom of the page.


It didn't stop there. He seemed to double down on his usage of the word on his Twitter account Tuesday morning, where he shared an alleged message from one of his black fans who assured him that he's not "racist at all." The fan in question justified his usage of the word and stated that he used at is well to "describe ignorant black people."

Here's the tweet that Bernal posted about all of this.



2 thoughts on “Porn Star Bruno Bernal Uses The ‘N’ Word on Social Media”

  1. It’s one of the trashiest

    It's one of the trashiest words in the English vocabulary. Those who still use it do so for effect. But it's always trashy, and it says a lot about the person. 

  2. Someone should send him a

    Someone should send him a link to Chris Rock's explanation of when a white person can use the n-word.     ……     And just cause you're dating a black dude you still do not have a pass, even if you're singing along to a Dr. Dre song.


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