“So it’s going to be a long hot summer and an interesting year ahead.” – Alveda King

I'm just going to put this right here.




And she knows that her grandaddy would tell us to, "keep looking up."  I do not know what MLK Jr. did feel about LGBT rights.  Do you? (of course she said MLK Sr. in the interview so does she know what she is talking about?).

There is a debate raging in the atmosphere about whether or not Dr. King would have been in favor of a ban on same-sex marriages. Even within King's own family, there is division on the issue. King's late widow, Coretta Scott King had spoken publicly on more than one occasion about the need for justice for homosexuals, claiming that her husband would have been in favor for the rights of homosexuals to marry.  Meanwhile, in opposition to her own mother, King's youngest daughter Bernice said the following at a conference in Auckland, New Zealand:  "I know deep down in my sanctified soul that he did not take a bullet for same-sex unions."  A few of those who "knew" King, including a friend of his from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Rev. Joseph Lowery, said if King were alive today, he would view marriage as a "private affair".

The reality is, King never spoke publicly about the issue of homosexuality and today, the frame of reference is quite different. – thenewblackmagazine.com


But there is also this occurrence.

(CNN)– Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was writing an advice column in 1958 for Ebony magazine when he received an unusual letter.

“I am a boy,” an anonymous writer told King. “But I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don't want my parents to know about me. What can I do?”

In calm, pastoral tones, King told the boy that his problem wasn’t uncommon, but required “careful attention.”

“The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired,” King wrote. “You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it.” – cnn.com

Did that answer our question.  Nope.  Not fully and without him here, I do not wish speculate too much, but I'm sure as heck not going to listen to Alveda about MLK Sr. or Jr.'s beliefs.

"We need to watch what pastors and preachers across America are going to do."  She also needs to see what Pastors and Preachers have been doing for many years.  They have been marrying same sex couples.  And the biggest thing is, are all gays looking to be married in the eyes of God or just the government. I could care less if a church blessed my union if it ever happened.  I would want the blessing from my friends and family first and the government second.


So should we listen to what Alveda King has to say?

King usually invokes her uncle’s name – without mentioning that she is estranged from the rest of the family – when she appears on Fox to comment on socially sensitive issues. She did so again on the Your World show yesterday.  Also not mentioned? King has had two abortions and is the single mother of six children. So spare us the lectures, please, about morality, Ms. King.  – crooksandliars.com

Host Neil Cavuto seemed to go along with King, but also be fair in his openness.  He never shut her down, but seemed to stay a little neutral and just let her speak. 

"God is even higher than the supreme court."  If you believe in God, then yes, this would be true.

Is her God your God? Who else would send us all those rainbows! 

7 thoughts on ““So it’s going to be a long hot summer and an interesting year ahead.” – Alveda King”

  1. guidelines on sexuality? …

    guidelines on sexuality? … if that was true, ugly people wouldn´t be allowed to reproduce, that would definitely include that woman who clings on somebodyelse´s name to bigot her way around …

  2. Apparently she has had a long

    Apparently she has had a long conversation with God. Or maybe it was via email or text, I don't know really. But evidently she knows for sure exactly what God says about all of this. Or perhaps she's just a stupid bitch throwing God's name around to support her bigotry. You would think a religious black woman, given the relatively recent history of black rights, and given how God doesn't appreciate his name taken in vain, wouldn't be so anxious to do that. 

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  4. guidelines of love like her

    guidelines of love like her grandfather had with her grandmother & his mistresses, now there is an an awesome example of "traditional marriage".  You mean adulterers, like your grandfather

  5. Stop mixing religion and

    Stop mixing religion and State. I do not care who this woman is, she should know this before speaking her mind about her own religion. 

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  7. You being an African-

    You being an African- American woman have the gall after everything that your race has gone through in this country think that you have the right to say anything against Gay Marriage……Boy oh Boy…..Martin Luther King Jr. was such a man of Peace {seems this is being forgotten in this debate} He would have nothing but good to say !!!!!   Please……Let it rest…….  

    Matthew 22:36-40

    36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

    37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 

    38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

    39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 

    40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


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