The Abbey Fires Back

Images via Facebook (Haely White) & Instagram (@TheAbbeyWeho)

West Hollywood Bar, The Abbey, Files Lawsuit Against Aspiring Influencer Haely White-Smalle

Over the last few weeks, you may have heard popular West Hollywood LGBTQ+ bar and restaurant, The Abbey, has been in headlines lately. While there is suspicious activity in any public establishment, one bar patron decided to take past allegations against the bar to form her own unique and troubling story. Haely White-Smalle, an aspiring Influencer, publicly accused The Abbey’s bartender and/or staff of drugging her drink leading to a chaotic and terrifying evening. Last week, White recanted her allegation and made a virtual apology to The Abbey, telling they did no wrongdoing and she basically lied about the whole ordeal after seeing video footage from her night. Anyone who read her apology knows there were likely lawyers involved as the tone seems pointed and poised. Turns out, White’s drama with The Abbey is far from over.


According to WeHoVille, The Abbey filed a lawsuit against White alleging defamation, trade libel, breach of contract and breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing. It seeks more than $5 million in damages. WeHoVille continues to tell:

“The Abbey has had a substantial business loss due to White’s posting, including cancellations and a drop in customers, the suit alleges. The Abbey sent White, through her lawyer, a cease-and-desist letter demanding she stop making any further defamatory statements and that she post a corrective statement apologizing for her allegations. White partially removed some of her statements from social media, but not all of them, prompting the Abbey to follow up several times, according to the suit. On Friday, the Abbey and White reached a settlement agreement and release of White from liability conditioned on the writer prominently posting a correction statement to her various social media accounts by 4 p.m. Saturday, but the correction statement was not posted as prominently as she had promised and she breached the terms by contradicting and retracting her correction statement with another posting.”

Yikes! It looks like this time, The Abbey isn’t giving up and hopefully moving ahead people will begin to learn false allegations won’t get you far. We’ll keep you updated with this story as it continues to unfold.

Writer’s Note A: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

Source: WehoVille

3 thoughts on “The Abbey Fires Back”

  1. She didn’t retract, as a matter of fact she is doubling down. Something clearly happened to this young woman at the Abbey and I doubt she bashed her face in like that just so that she could disparage them. It is a shame that her “friend” didn’t get her to an emergency room, that is where she clearly needed to go. Additionally, getting her to print a statement by threatening her when she was vulnerable is almost sadistic. As to the Abbey’s lawsuit, despicable and makes me suspect that they know who the predator was.

  2. The owner of the Abbey is not a black man. I also doubt the Abbey lost $5M worth of business or could even prove that. I also am surprised that even stupid straight people, much less stupid gossip loving queens, would still believe what some idiotic tiktok/insta or whatever -influencer would type.


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