Video Appears To Show Naked Madison Cawthorn Dry Humping A Buddy

Rep. Madison Cawthorn faced new controversy when a video clip of him dry humping a buddy naked surfaced on Wednesday
Rep. Madison Cawthorn (screen capture)

Rep Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) took Hump Day to a whole new level when a video clip of him naked humping a buddy was released on Wednesday.

Before we get to that, let’s run down a shortlist of Cawthorn’s rollercoaster ride so far in his short time in Congress.


Since taking office last year, the freshman congressman has:

• Had traffic stops while driving with a revoked license
• Had two attempts at bringing a loaded gun through airport security
• Faced several allegations of sexual harassment
• Called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a “thug
• In a podcast interview, Cawthorn claimed he had been invited to “orgies” by members of Congress and watched them do “key bumps” of cocaine
• Reportedly denied a staffer leave when two family members passed away within the same week
• Has faced ethics accusations when the conservative-leaning Washington Examiner alleged that Cawthorn may have violated insider-trading laws
• Had to explain photos of himself dressed in drag (and bad drag at that)
• And then there’s that leaked video of Cawthorn with a male friend placing his hand on Cawthorn’s junk

CBS News recently recapped much of the congressman’s adventures in this report:


On Wednesday, Cawthorn tried to brush this all aside saying “the media is pushing a narrative that he’s some kind of drag queen.” He also called this all “poor journalism” and thankfully noted that it’s “not exactly the same journalistic standards as Fox or Newsmax.” Cause they are such bastions of truth and accuracy?

But wait! There’s more….!


Following the defensive screed above, a video clip of Cawthorn dry humping someone’s head while moaning was posted online by a group called “Fire Madison Cawthorn.” A wheelchair similar to the one Cawthorn uses is in the foreground. You can view the video clip here. It is graphic and depicts simulated sexual acts. Viewer discretion is advised

“This video was sent to us by a former Cawthorn supporter and big donor who asked to remain anonymous,” the group wrote. “It pains us to post it but in the public and voters interest we chose to do so.”

Instinct initially refrained from reporting on the clip, as we were unable to authenticate it. But on Wednesday evening, the 26-year-old congressman confirmed its authenticity himself in a tweet saying the video is from “years ago” and he was “trying to be funny.”


Cawthorn is running for reelection in his state’s primary on May 17. His problematic behavior has alienated members of his own party leading some to consider endorsing his primary opponents. Sen. Thom Tillis, a fellow Republican from Cawthorn’s own state, has thrown his weight behind state Sen. Chuck Edwards in his primary against Cawthorn.

Folks had some thoughts…

















6 thoughts on “Video Appears To Show Naked Madison Cawthorn Dry Humping A Buddy”

  1. If I were to put money on “closeted gay guy trying to come to terms with life and public service while navigating the pitfalls of social media” or “conservative white supremacy frat boy a-hole who’s an attention whore lacking common sense, propriety, and manners,” I’d bet on the latter.

  2. Wow, y’all are really reaching. You’re so full of shit. If he didn’t piss you off politically, these same acts would be chalked up to “He’s totally just fooling around and playing and having a good time. No big deal.” Aka the bullshit of making excuses for someone’s behavior just bc you agree with them and being critical of that same behavior in someone else just because you don’t.

    • Actually – no. “These same acts” that were pointed up in the article – like attempting to carry a loaded gun on a plane on more than one occasion, having several traffic stops while having a revoked license, talking about being invited to Republican orgies, and facing possible ethics charges of insider trading – don’t fall under any kind of “having a good time/no big deal.”

      He’s also a known liar who said his friend left him to die in that car crash when the friend actually dragged him out of the car. And he lied about being accepted to the Naval Academy when he’d been rejected.

      These aren’t qualities we hope for in elected leaders.

      And – he’s publicly opposed marriage equality and other LGBTQ rights. So, for all those reasons, I do have a problem with him. If his district is conservative, then elect a conservative with dignity, morality, and intellect. Not this guy.

    • Who takes their “cousin” on their honeymoon? Wise up, the guy is a Republican, he can’t come out if he wants a career in that party, so he plays by the rules of the closet.

  3. A couple friends & I were speculating that he might come out gay. One friend said his gaydar was going off since he came on the scene.

    • I’m leaning towards bi. At least given what I’ve heard about the sexual assault accusations. He could just be a really pervy insensitive straight frat bro, too. But this relationship with his aide seems a bit deeper than frat bro close…


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