We just discovered a gem of a story and we HAD to share it with you!
The story is about actor Colman Domingo and it comes directly from the source. Domingo appeared on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert earlier this month and was congratulated on his Emmy nomination for playing Ali Muhammad in Euphoria. The congratulations even included oysters and champagne!
From there, Domingo talked about the importance of representing the struggle against drug addiction. On the hit HBO drama, Domingo plays an AA sponsor to Zendaya’s character Rue. Domingo talked about receiving a fan letter thanking him for his work before thanking his own mother for guiding him in life.
Domingo shared that his mother told him, “Not think about myself. Go be of service to someone. Be of service to young kids. And you’ll feel like you’re part of the world.”
“Service is love made visible,” said Colbert in response.
Colman Domingo also talked about his other projects like the Oprah Winfrey produced The Color Purple movie musical starring Fantasia Barrino or the Obama produced biopic about gay Civil Rights leader Bayard Rustin.
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But it was the end of the interview that really touched our hearts. Stephen Colbert asked Domingo about his love life and about how Domingo met his husband, Raúl.
Domingo explained, “Ok, you gotta picture 17 years ago. I was walking down the street going into a Walgreens in Berkeley, California. We passed each other. We never spoke. A few days later, I’m on Craigslist tryna buy a used computer to help with my writing. And I went to the home screen, and, you know, they have missed connections… things like ads. Remember that, you guys?”
The actor continued, “So, I would read them because I’m a romantic and I’m like, ‘I keep thinking about this person that I crossed paths with and never spoke to.’ And then I go to the second page of missed connections and it said, ‘Saw you outside of Walgreens, Berkeley.’ And he described me, I had a faux hawk – you remember when faux hawks were a big – I had that.”
“And we met up two days late, and I told him, ‘I think you’re about to change my life and I love you.’” Colman Domingo said before concluding, “And we’ve been together ever since.”
How #Euphoria’s @colmandomingo found true love… on Craigslist https://t.co/htyOyYglYo pic.twitter.com/O556YO2Jt0
— GQ Magazine (@GQMagazine) February 23, 2021
This isn’t the first time that Colman Domingo has talked about that magical meeting. Last year, Domingo shared the story with GQ. Though that time, the story had a few minor changes.
In this retelling, Colman shared that he was looking for a used iPod Touch. He also shared that when he replied to Raúl’s post, he wrote, “To the sweet angle with the most arresting eyes…”
The two then met at a little bar in San Francisco and asked each other questions “Barbara Walters-style” before spending the night together, at Raúl’s request. Colman then leaned over when he thought Raúl was sleeping and whispered, “I think I love you.”
The two then became inseparable. Raúl would go to Colman’s play performances and deemed those shows as a window into Colman Domingo’s soul.
“I feel like I needed to understand everything that you are,” Raúl told Colman in front of GQ.
.@colmandomingo on the serendipity of his relationship with Raúl https://t.co/htyOyYxWPW #GQModernLovers pic.twitter.com/E5StrJWzN6
— GQ Magazine (@GQMagazine) February 23, 2021
The following summer, Colman got a gig in Juneau, Alaska. The coupled ended up moving together, with Raúl getting a job as an assistant costume designer. Then when they moved to New York that November, Raúl proposed. And as Colman said himself, they’ve been together ever since.
What a beautiful story of a beautiful relationship.
Source: Late Night With Stephen Colbert, GQ,
I love love, especially gay love!