Four Times Married Christian Adulteress Kim Davis Releases Book On Sanctity Of Marriage

Kim Davis, a county clerk from Kentucky has just released her newest book, 'Under God's Authority: The Kim Davis Story', which is sure to go over well with us gays.

In the book, Davis speaks about how she is on a mission to 'defend marriage and religious freedom', beautiful stuff!


Davis came under fire when she was shockingly sentenced to five days in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples in 2015.


The book, a steal at $25, gives us a behind the scenes look at Davis' experience when she refused to give out marriage licenses, citing her religious beliefs as the reason.

In a description for the book, the promoters, the nonprofit evangelical Christian organization Liberty Counsel, wrote: "This true story goes behind the scenes to reveal how God gave this unlikely candidate a platform to defend marriage and religious freedom."

"In this amazing narrative of redemption and courage, Davis details her personal experience from the moment former [Democratic] Governor [Steve] Beshear ordered the state’s county clerks to issue same-sex marriage licenses, throughout her arrest and release from jail,"

"Kim takes you behind-the-scenes of the unlikely saga that took America by storm in 2015."


Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee said of the book “It’s a great read. But more than that, this remarkable story of what God did in Kim’s life gives me hope for our nation. I think it will give you hope, too.”

Sounds like quite the bedtime read, Kim! As a "fist-pounding homosexual", as you once called me, I can't wait to read!


(All opinions expressed int his article are of the writer himself and not that of Instinct Magazine)

3 thoughts on “Four Times Married Christian Adulteress Kim Davis Releases Book On Sanctity Of Marriage”

  1. This won’t take long to reach

    This won't take long to reach second hand stores and $1 book bins. I bet when I go to NYC next month it will be on one of the carts outside The Strand Bookstore.


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