Homophobic Preacher Doused In Milk and Eggs

Screenshot via ‘Hull Live’ video

Here’s a tip – don’t be a dick.

Over the weekend, a street preacher in England received an unwelcomed and wet response to his homophobic sermon when he was doused with milk and pelted with eggs. 


According to Hull Daily Mail, an unnamed man was standing on a bench in Hull’s Queen Victoria Square preaching hateful attacks on the LGBTQ community. Angry onlookers shouted back after taking offense to the comments, some waving rainbow flags. 


Finally, someone in the crowd had enough.

One witness, a man who says he was in Hull on holiday, recorded the incident on video and told Hull Live that he heard one of the onlookers say they would give the preacher “five seconds” to stop talking. 


“I was just passing the square and the preacher had obviously upset a group with his comments,” the witness recalled. “He was being heckled and someone was waving a rainbow flag over him. They then went to shop and came back with eggs and milk and started throwing it over him.”


In the video, which can be viewed here, one person can be seen holding a two-pint container of milk and giving the man one last chance to silence his hate speech. When the preacher chose not to heed the warning, he was quickly drenched. 

Humberside Police arrived, and the preacher left the scene in a police van. However, it is not clear if any arrests have yet been made. Officers have not provided any comment or details about the incident, and no names have been released. 


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