Bynes Went From Child Star To Blossoming Hollywood Elite To Rehab And Now Resurfaces With A Face Tattoo
A lot of people tend to know Amanda Bynes as one of the troubled, Hollywood actresses who followed suit like Lindsay Lohan by being reckless in her young adult years and paved way into humiliation and infamy. If you’re on the Millennial side, you’ll know Bynes as a child comedian who basically became the face of Nickelodeon. She starred in the sketch series All That, a slew of children’s-themed game shows, her own self-titled series, The Amanda Show, and would eventually go on to star in films such as What A Girl Wants, She’s The Man, Hairspray, and Easy A. Her success was taking her above expectations – landing lead roles in young adult Rom-Coms, but she eventually lost interest and gave these roles up to other actresses, including Alexis Bledel of Gilmore Girls fame. Eight years ago, Bynes would face her first run in with police when she was arrested for drunk driving in West Hollywood, California and subsequently spiraled out of control thereafter – including locking herself in restaurant and retail bathrooms, wearing bizarre outfits and wigs while running around Hollywood, accused her father of sexual abuse, and arson. Shortly after, Bynes announced she suffers from bipolar disorder and began her mental health and sobriety journey after giving up conservatorship of herself to her mother. We haven’t heard much from her… until now.
Bynes is back in business and this time leaning on social media to connect with fans – and potentially asking for help. Thankfully she’s kept up with the time after being missing in action for so long! She popped onto her Instagram account to announce that she’s engaged to a man who we only know is named Paul Michael (who is a fan of Southern California’s Los Angeles Football Club or LAFC [a new soccer team]) and she is trying to gain conservatorship of herself back so she can move forward with her marriage. According to The Blast, Bynes’ mother is having none of that – basically saying that her daughter still isn’t well. Bynes tells us that she’s doing great and has a fashion line she’ll be launching digitally – soon enough. Is this the comeback we’ve been waiting for – or are we witnessing an unfortunate cry of delusion?
There’s no doubt that Bynes could very well be emotionally, mentally, and physically in charge of herself. She’s been sober for almost four years and has apologized for her unsatisfactory past behavior – including vile comments made about her father and other celebrities which she now claims are lies. Everyone can change with the right amount of soul and effort from themselves, right? She definitely deserves the chance to finally live her life and it appears she wants to do that by finally marrying the man she loves.
However, Bynes doesn’t seem like the bubbly blonde we once knew. Actually, she isn’t – she’s the complete opposite. She’s rocking jet black hair, with a septum piercing, and two heart tattoos on her face – one above her eyebrow and another one outlined on her right cheek. She doesn’t appear to speak with her sparky, over-the-top aura. Now, she is much more melancholy – seemingly living in the doldrums. It’s likely none of us would even be able to recognize her on the street or in a line up – which is probably exactly what she’s going for. It’s an extreme, wild change that is almost jarring at first glance compared to what has been sketched in our minds of her.
Do you think Bynes is eyeing a Hollywood comeback or is her return to social media for support of earning back the rights to her own life? Can you imagine not being able to make decisions for yourself in your adulthood? Scary!
Check out this video of Bynes back in her heyday discussing why she isn’t one of the Hollywood girls causing a ruckus in the City of Angels.
Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.
H/T: The Blast