Maluma Takes A Revealing Dip In Miami For All Of Us To Enjoy

Music superstar Maluma took to the Insta to show even more of himself in while swimming in Miami on Saturday. We’ve seen his pool, boat and beach pics before, and some even in this same pool.


We’ve actually even seen Maluma in this same pool where the revealing pics were taken, but on March 1st with a bathing suit on. 


Most likely the photographer is Maluma‘s girlfriend Susana Gomez, but we are not sure? If not, he’s going to be in some big trouble.

But which shot do you like better? the beautiful smile? the “let me just look down and check on something” glance, or do neither one do it for you because of the tattoos? 


No matter which one tickles that dangly.. I mean your fancy, we may wonder, will this man ever remove the hand and do OnlyFans? 

But we thank you Maluma for the poses.  We’ll keep an eye on your Instagram: @maluma for more updates.  Don’t keep us waiting too long. 

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