Where There’s An Internet, There’s A Way. Bloom And Perry Vacation With No Pesky Edits.

We like it when Cocktailsandcocktalk.com does the "investigatory journalism" and finds the unedited pics that we get thirsty for.  I mean, why do sites post the pixelated, bleeped, edited pics when the internet exists.  The real, raw, unedited pics will be found and released. 


So as of now, Orlando can be seen in full Bloom over at Cocktailsandcocktalk.com.  Of course they are NSFW.  Now we see why Katy Perry and Selena Gomez tossed him back and forth.

Do we feel bad for Katy?  No one is saying how great she looks. Ok, we'll say it.  She looks great! 

Ok, back to Orlando.  Head over to Cocktailsandcocktalk.com for why you clicked on this in the first place.



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