JVN: ‘Finding People To Help In Our Community, So Many Are Struggling’

photo credit//karamo for instagram//shortsword for pixabay.com

Can anything, especially the holidays, be too queer? If you ask me, that’s a resounding NO. The gayer the better! 




Two of our favorite Fab Five Queer Eye friends were asked by ET Canada “how they make the holidays more queer.” Karamo Brown and Johnathan Van Ness had somewhat different ideas on how to achieve the ultimate gayness this December.


Related: Karamo just made a splash on ‘WWHL’


First up, culture expert and former Real World: Philadelphia cast member Brown, 41, wants to gay up his tree.

“I just ordered a RuPaul ornament. And the sad part is I ordered not only the real one but I also ordered a fake one. As I ordered it I saw RuPaul put on his social ‘Do not order this fake one.”



The ratchet-looking RuPaul ornament is a gift that keeps on giving this holiday season. Karamo explained that “I was trying to find a whole thing of like queer icons to put on my tree.” We would love a tree adorned with the faces of queer icons from past and present!


Grooming expert Van Ness, 34, or JVN as he is commonly referred to went a different route, highlighting the giving part of the season. The Over The Top author is “trying to find people to help.” The non-binary hairdresser explained that,

“I think that part of the LGBTQIA+ legacy is about bringing liberation and freedom to more people and more awareness and more equity, so like reaching out and giving to people in our community. I think that so many people have had such a hard time especially in the trans community. So many people are struggling.”


Bringing the conversation back to the world of performance and drag JVN finished by saying,

“speaking of RuPaul so many drag performers; so many performers of…all sorts of different kinds have been impacted by this Pandemic so much. Giving back and helping people will be a really fun way to make your Christmas more queer.”


We stan JVN, and are looking for ways to give back to our community this holiday season. Whether you attend a Toys for Tots party or make a donation to your local LGBTQ center, there are countless ways to give back to our community this season! Which LGBTQ organizations do you donate your time or money to during the holiday season? Sound off in the comments below Instincters. Happy Holidays!


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photo credit//jvn for instagram//larisa-k for pixabay.com

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