A month from today on November 4th, the State of Maine may make history. The voters of the most northeastern state will have an opportunity to elect the first openly gay governor in the United States. There is a saying, "As Maine goes, so goes the Nation." We will see if this remains a true statement with regard to gubernatorial races.
Michaud (D) was most recently elected as one of Maine's two state representatives. While running to represent Maine's second congressional district, known to be the more blue collar conservative district of the two, Michaud was not out to the public and many feel his sexuality would have hindered his congressional campaign if he were out at that time. It is most likely his acceptance as a great representative in Washington D.C. that has allowed Michaud to be comfortable enough to be open about his sexuality, coming out just last year. There were rumors that he was to be outed publicly and Michaud decided to beat the whispers. It seems that it might not have really mattered to many Mainers for he currently has a lead over the other two candidates, incumbent Paul LePage (R) and Eliot Cutler (I), but it is slight.
So how come we have not heard about gay gubernatorial candidate Mike Michaud in the national news? Some say it is because he is recently out and not well known. Others say it is because Maine is a small state, a population of just over 1.3 million. Michaud has been fighting for the highest seat in the state with little to no support from outside or gay resources. Our FLOTUS< Michelle Obama, showed up this weekend to add the White House's support to his campaign. Looks like someone recognizes a good cause.

We at Instinct wish you the best, Michael Michaud. Represent us well. Being a former Mainer and having the utmost respect for him personally and politically, I know he will.
RealClearPolitics presents the current poll numbers here.

Maine's political history is full individuality and prominence. In recent years, it has had an Independent governor (Angus King), an Independent Senator (Angus King again), two of the more prominent female Senators (Olympia Snow and Susan Collins), a Senate Majority Leader (George Mitchell), and a former Senator turned Secretary of State (William Cohen).
Offering my voice in support
Offering my voice in support of Michael Michaud. Openly gay men have long been shunned and strongly discouraged from leadership roles in American politics and it's time for this to change. Now.
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