We didn’t know you could show this much on Instagram.
You know what takes bravery? Not only saying, “Who cares?” to random people of the internet seeing your pubic hair, but straight out posting a picture of it yourself. And that’s exactly what Omar Ayuso did this past week.
Omar Ayuso is a Spanish-born actor most known for playing gay character Omar in the show Elite. The Spanish thriller teen drama created by Netflix sees three working-class students transferring to an elite private school. There, the three deal with typical teen drama as well as diverse and mature issues like social class conflicts, sexuality, discrimination, and more.
Since appearing on that show, Omar Ayuso has garnered a stable and dedicated following on social media. In addition, the actor has become comfortable with being vulnerable and naked in front of the public eye. For instance, he had to film an intimate scene while naked with fellow Elite star Aron Piper. But now, it appears that Ayuso is putting himself, and his body, out there all on his own volition.
In the random and revealing photo, seen above, Omar Ayuso is seen standing while wearing a tight and slightly too short shirt. This then reveals his midriff. But that area is even more revealed because Ayuso is seen with his pants zipper open and without any underwear on. To put it bluntly, it’s bush city… if you will.
To caption the post, Ayuso wrote the simple line, “no se ve desde arriba,” which roughly translates to “Not seen from above.” And we think we know where he’s getting at with that line.
With pictures like the one above, it appears Omar Ayuso knows how to get the gays’ attention. Though, he also knows how to represent them too. Not only is the actor playing gay on a Netflix show, but he has a future project in the works called 8 Años. In that gay drama, a character named David is reminiscing on an eight-year relationship. Though we don’t know how Ayuso’s will appear in that project, we DO know we’re interested in seeing it.