Three Years of Unknown HIV Led to Major Complications for this Man

In 2007 Sean Stentiford consented to an HIV test because he was experiencing facial paralysis. When he went to the doctor, he canceled the test because he didn’t feel there was a risk of HIV. Neurologist Kinan Hreib canceled the request and never informed Internist Stephen Southard. Stentiford should have been tested, however, since he had worked as a paramedic earlier in his life and was regularly exposed to bodily fluids. When Stentiford received all his medical results he was told that everything ‘looked good’ but this did not include his HIV screening.


Three years later, another doctor recommended that Stentiford be tested for HIV which came back positive. By this time the disease had progressed to AIDS and Stentiford had suffered brain damage and cognitive impairment which forced him to end his career as a lawyer.

The Boston Globe reports that this week a federal jury in Boston awarded Stentiford $18.4 million in damages to Stentiford. After a trial that lasted eight days, the US District Court found the two doctors negligent in caring for Stentiford.

Perhaps this victory in the courtroom is in vain since the malpractice by these two physicians have caused the decline in the quality of life Stentiford could have had.

h/t: The Boston Globe

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