Trump Administration is Erasing LGBT Content from Websites

The Trump administration has been removing LGBT content from certain websites. Image by Carlos Barria via Reuters, retrieved from The Atlantic.

So we all know that when Trump held that pride flag upside down and claimed that he was a “real friend” of LGBT people he was basically pandering, right? Time and time again it is revealed that Trump is anything but a friend of LGBT people, which can be seen if you look at the fact that LGBT content from many websites has been removed since Trump took office, according to Fast Company.

The Web Integrity Project, a project designed to monitor changes to government websites, found that within two years of the Trump presidency, things like anti-discrimination information, LGBT data, and LGBT resources have disappeared from certain websites. Specifically, the researchers at the Web Integrity Project found that across 142 government websites that have LGBT content, 57% had noticeable changes to the wording of LGBT terms, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changing “LGBTQ” with just “LGB,” erasing trans and queer/questioning people. The CDC website also removed transgender statistics from the 2015 and 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. I can’t see any logical reason for them to do that because those statistics were certainly not hurting people and, in fact, probably helped a few understand the struggles that transgender youth have to endure.


Additionally, the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity removed explanations about discrimination against LGBT and HIV+ people so that people who belong to those demographics can’t access information regarding their rights in relation to housing, effectively ignoring the very real problem of housing discrimination against LGBT people. 

Removing such important LGBT content from government websites is very troubling, seeing as data on LGBT issues severely lacking. By erasing what crucial data and information these websites had, the Trump administration is putting an entire demographic in danger, because if they can’t read about their rights, how can they protect themselves?

Source: Fast Company

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