The orange goon in the White House, also known as Donald Trump, recently threw silly shade at the presidential candidate, Peter Buttigieg. It’s the second time this week Trump has hurled a verbal insult at the openly gay Buttigieg, first, insinuating days ago for some unstated reason, that the South Bend Indiana Mayor couldn’t hold his own against world leaders.
Now in Trump’s newest verbal assault, he likens Buttigieg to the infamous orange-skinned, dufus-faced, Alfred E. Neuman – the mascot of the iconic Mad Magazine. In the odd declaration directed at Buttigieg, Trump states, “Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States.”
Let that sink in. Donald Trump who shares nearly every trait of Neuman; orange hair, jaundice yellow skin, and fixed face of “duh,” has attempted to insult Buttigieg by making the nonsensical comparison. Buttigieg, for the record, is an Oxford graduate, celebrated scholar, military veteran, and an elected Mayor who speaks seven languages. All that aside, he looks nothing like Neuman, so Trump’s attempt to insult fell flat and in fact, backfired.
By invoking the name of Alfred E. Neuman as an insult against Buttigieg, Trump instead paved the way for the digital unearthing of past issues of Mad Magazine that roasted the fake billionaire and real estate fraudster. Most notably, was a cover story featuring the Mad Magazine mascot and doppelganger, Trump himself. The cover story’s title: “20 of the Dumbest People, Events, and Things of 2015.” Yes, Trump easily made that list.
Donald Trump’s sophomoric one-liners may make him feel good for the moment, but just like his moronic tweets of the past, they always seem to boomerang right back and bite him in the a**.
The Trump-bashing Mad Magazine cover story from 2015 is no exception, and it’s savage enough to leave teeth marks.
This piece is an opinion piece by one Contributing Writer for Instinct Magazine and may not reflect the opinion of the magazine or other Contributing Writers.