Bryan Singer Settles Another Child Rape Allegation

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Singer Cuts A Check Of $150K For The Alleged Rape Of A Minor

I have spoke about shamed X-Men director, Bryan Singer, nearly my entire time being at Instinct Magazine. Back in January 2019, as I watched Singer’s Executive pillar be the next to fall, I wrote an article of living in Hollywood, pursuing a career in entertainment, and knowing Singer and his group of merry, much older men, lurk in the shadows preying on any seemingly attractive, young newcomers who are starry-eyed and hopeful. In this town, especially within the gay and entertainment communities, we know who-is-who and what-is-what when it comes to Singer. We’ve known! Executives at major film companies even made jokes about it in front of my face. I understand some participants willingly chose to attend Singer’s parties and engage in reckless sex acts with the intention of, I don’t know- being an extra in one of the X-Men films(?)- but there’s also a handful of others who didn’t want that. These are the ones who are coming forward.


According to Variety, one of Singer’s alleged victims is getting a pay day for an alleged rape. When Cesar Sanchez-Guzman was seventeen-years-old, that would make him a minor, he was allegedly raped by Singer on a yacht in Seattle. The act was detailed in The Atlantic’s piece covering Singer and all of his allegations and misdeeds with underage boys which span decades. Sanchez-Guzman will receive $150K, but a lot of that is going towards student loan debt and creditors. Singer’s attorney, Andrew Brettler (who allegedly doesn’t have a soul), made a statement that Singer’s payment doesn’t mean he’s guilty, it was merely business. Brettler tells:

“The debtor filed a claim against Mr. Singer that he had no basis or legal right to file,” Brettler said. “Mr. Singer has denied even knowing this individual, let alone allegedly having interacted with him more than 15 years ago. The decision to resolve the matter with the bankruptcy trustee was purely a business one, as litigation costs would well exceed the amount requested by the trustee to pay off the creditors who were owed money when the debtor filed for bankruptcy.”

The amount of money paid can never ease the pain of an alleged rape. Sanchez-Guzman is going to forever live with this alleged act weighing on his mind. In the end, I believe him, and I hope he can rest easy for a moment knowing a lot of others do. Perhaps arguably the most excited about the latest prick to Singer’s career is my friend, Gabe Hoffman, producer of An Open Secret which details the alleged grossness of Hollywood’s elite haunting young, aspiring men and The Soska Sisters, who have been vocal of their distain for supporters of Singer. Check out their tweets below:




Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

H/T: The Atlantic

Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

H/T: The Atlantic

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